17 Dec

Emerging Leaders Continue Development Process – Wednesday, September 1, 2010

As part of Sunland & Affiliates’ Strategic Planning process, a group designated as “Emerging Leaders” was formed and with the assistance of Human Dynamics, Inc., a Dallas-based consultant, the twenty members have been striving to not only improve their leadership and management skills, but also to gain better self-awareness and build relationships for enhanced teamwork. This group was identified as a cross section of employees from all of Sunland’s Divisions and Affiliates — Gulf Coast, Eastern, Rocky Mountain, Stations, Directional Drilling, Foremost, Buffalo Gap, MB Construction and Safety. The Emerging Leaders began meeting as a group in October 2009 and will tentatively complete this pilot training program in September 2010. The capstone of the program involves the completion of two “Bridging Projects” which will hopefully provide solutions to challenging issues that will benefit all of Sunland & Affiliates. Recently, in May 2010 in Kemah, Texas, the Senior Leaders (consisting of Division Managers, Corporate Managers and Executives) and Emerging Leaders met for a joint session to discuss the effectiveness of the program and possible improvements that could be made for future Emerging Leader groups. They also engaged in a team-building exercise involving building towers out of balloons and tape, which proved to be a fun learning experience for all involved. Our inaugural Emerging Leaders are to be commended for their motivation, diligence, and dedication to this important endeavor for the future of Sunland & Affiliates, while still performing their current job responsibilities.

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